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Selected Publications

Articles in Journals
  • Sanchez B, Roth M, Patel P and Simón-Moral A, 2023. Spatial and temporal characteristics of near-surface air temperature across local climate zones in a tropical city. Sustainability, 15, 12834. (

  • Lipson M, Grimmond S, Best M, Chow W, Christen A, Chrysoulakis N, Coutts A, Crawford B, Earl S, Evans J, Fortuniak K, Heusinkveld BG, Hong J-W, Hong J, Järvi L, Jo S, Kim Y-H, Kotthaus S, Lee K, Masson V, McFadden JP, Michels O, Pawlak W, Roth M, Sugawara H, Tapper N, Velasco E and Ward HC, 2022. Harmonized gap-filled datasets from 20 urban flux tower sites. Earth System Science Data (

  • Roth M, Sanchez B, Li R and Velasco E, 2022. Spatial and temporal characteristics of near-surface air temperature across local climate zones in a tropical city. International Journal of Climatology (

  • Doan QV, Chen F, Kusaka H, Dipankar A, Khan A, Hamdi R, Roth, M and Niyogi D, 2022. Increased risk of extreme precipitation over an urban agglomeration with future global warming. Earth's Future, 10, e2021EF002563 (

  • Jongen HJ, Steeneveld GJ, Beringer A, Christen A, Chrysoulakis N, Fortuniak K, Hong J, Hong JW, Jacobs CMJ, Järvi L, Meier F, Pawlak W, Roth M, Theeuwes N, Velasco E, Vogt R and Teuling AJ, 2022. Urban Water Storage Capacity Inferred From Observed Evapotranspiration Recession. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2021GL096069 (

  • Sanchez B, Roth M, Simón-Moral A, Martilli A and Velasco E, 2021. Assessment of a meteorological mesoscale model's capability to simulate intra-urban thermal variability in a tropical city. Urban Climate, 40, 101006 (

  • Simón-Moral A, Dipankar A, Doan QV, Sanchez C, Roth M, Becker E and Huang XY, 2021. Urban intensification of convective rainfall over the Singapore – Johor Bahru region. Quarterly Journal of Royal Meteorological Society, 147, 3665-3680 (

  • Meili N, Manoli, G, Burlando P, Carmeliet J, Chow W, Coutts A, Roth, M, Velasco, E, Vivoni E and Fatichi S, 2021. Tree effects on urban microclimate: diurnal, seasonal, and climatic temperature differences explained by separating radiation, evapotranspiration, and roughness effects, Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 58, 126970 (

  • Doan QV, Dipankar A, Simón-Moral A, Sanchez C, Prasanna V, Roth M and Huang H, 2021. Urban-induced modifications to the diurnal cycle of rainfall over a tropical city. Quarterly Journal of Royal Meteorological Society, 147, 1189–1201 (

  • Martilli A, Roth, M, Chow WTL, Demuzere M, Lipson M, Krayenhoff S, Sailor D, Nazarian N, Voogt J, Wouters H, Middle A, Stewart ID,  Bechtel B, Christen A, and Hart M, 2020. Summer average urban-rural surface temperature differences do not indicate the need for urban heat reduction. OSF Preprints, (

  • Yang Y, Zheng Z, Yim SYL, Roth M, Ren G, Gao Z, Wang T, Li Q, Shi C, Ning G and Yubin L, 2019. PM2.5 pollution modulates wintertime urban heat island intensity in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Megalopolis, China. Geoph Res Letters, 47, e2019GL084288 (

  • Meili N, Manoli G, Burlando P, Bou-Zeid E, Chow W, Coutts A, Daly E, Nice K, Roth M, Tapper N, Velasco E, Vivoni E and Fatichi S, 2019. An urban ecohydrological model to quantify the effect of vegetation on urban climate and hydrology (UT&C v1.0). Geoscientific Model Development, 13, 335-362 ( 

  • Simón-Moral A, Dipankar A, Roth M, Sánchez C, Velasco E, and Huang H, 2019. Application of MORUSES single layer urban canopy model in a tropical city: results from Singapore. Quarterly Journal of Royal Meteorological Society, 146, 576–597 (

  • Middle A, Lukasczyk J, Maciejewski R, Demuzere M and Roth M, 2018. Sky View Factor footprints for urban climate modeling. Urban Climate, 25, 120-134 ( 

  • Seow MXC and Roth M, 2018. Influence of climate oscillations on urban and rural temperature variability in the Kanto region of Japan. Climate Research, 75, 65-80 (

  • Tan SH, Roth M and Velasco E, 2017. Particle exposure and inhaled dose during commuting in Singapore. Atmospheric Environment, 170, 245-258 (

  • Liu X, Li X-X, Harshan S, Roth M and Velasco E, 2017. Evaluation of an urban canopy model in a tropical city: The role of tree evapotranspiration. Environmental Research Letters, 12, 094008 (

  • Harshan S, Roth M, Velasco E and Demuzere M, 2017. Evaluation of an urban land surface scheme over a tropical suburban neighbourhood. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 133, 867-886 (

  • Demuzere M, Harshan S, Järvi L, Roth M, Grimmond CSB, Masson V, Oleson KW, Velasco E, Wouters H, 2017. Impact of urban canopy models and external parameters on the modelled urban energy balance in a tropical city. Quarterly Journal of Royal Meteorological Society, 143, 1581-1596 (

  • Roth M, Jansson C, Velasco E, 2017. Multi-year energy balance and carbon dioxide fluxes over a residential neighbourhood in a tropical city. International Journal of Climatology, 37, 2679-2698 (

  • Roth M, Lim V, 2017. Evaluation of canopy-layer air and mean radiant temperature simulations by a microclimate model over a tropical residential neighbourhood. Building and Environment, 112, 177-189 (

  • Velasco E, Roth M, Norford L, Molina LT, 2016. Does urban vegetation enhance carbon sequestration? Landscape and Urban Planning, 148, 99–107 (

  • Chow WTL, Siti Nur ‘Assyakirin Binte Ali Akbara, Heng SL, Roth M, 2016. Assessment of measured and perceived microclimates within a tropical urban forest. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 16, 62–75 (

  • Sugwara H, Inagaki, A, Roth M, Kanda M, 2015. Evaluation of scintillometery measurements of fluxes of momentum and sensible heat in the roughness sublayer. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 126, 673-681 (

  • Georgescu M, Chow WTL, Wang ZH, Brazel A, Trapido-LurieB, Roth M, Benson-Lira V, 2015. Prioritizing urban sustainability solutions: coordinated approaches must incorporate scale-dependent built environment induced effects. Environmental Research Letters, 10(6), 061001 (

  • Bueno B, Roth M, Norford L and Li R, 2014: Computationally efficient prediction of canopy level urban air temperature at the neighbourhood scale. Urban Climate, 9, 35-53 (

  • Roth M, Inagaki, A, Sugiwara H and Kanda M, 2013: Small-scale spatial variability of turbulence statistics, (co)spectra and turbulent kinetic energy measured over a regular array of cube roughness. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 15, 329-348 (

  • Velasco EVS, Roth M, Tan SH, Quak M, Nabarro SDH and Norford L, 2013: Velasco EVS, Roth M, Tan SH, Quak M, Nabarro SDH and Norford L, 2013: The role of vegetation in the CO2 flux from a tropical urban neighbourhood. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13(20), 10185-10202 (

  • Li X, Koh T-Y, Entekhabi D, Roth M, Panda J and Norford L, 2013: A multi-resolution ensemble study of a tropical urban environment and its interaction with the background regional atmosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 118, 9804-9818 (

  • Roth M and Chow WTL, 2012: A historical review and assessment of urban heat island research in Singapore. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 33, 381-397 (

  • Velasco EVS and Roth M, 2012: Review of Singapore’s air quality and greenhouse gas emissions: Current situation and opportunities. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 62(6), 625–641 (

  • Quah, KLA and Roth M, 2012: Diurnal and weekly variation of anthropogenic heat emissions in a tropical city, Singapore. Atmospheric Environment, 46, 92-103 (

  • Koh, TY, Bhatt BC, Cheung KKW, Teo CK, Lee YH and Roth M, 2012: Using the spectral scaling exponent for validation of quantitative precipitation forecasts. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 115, 35-45 (

  • Salmond J, Roth M, Oke, TR, Christen, A, Voogt JA, 2012: Can surface cover tiles be summed to give neighborhood fluxes in cities? Journal of applied meteorology and climatology, 51, 133-149 (

  • Roth, M, Emmanuel, T, Ichinose, T and Salmond, J, 2011: Editorial: ICUC-7 Urban climate special issue, International Journal of Climatology, 31, 159-161 (

  • Velasco EVS and Roth M, 2010: Cites as net sources of CO2: Review of atmospheric CO2 exchange in urban environments measured by eddy covariance technique. Geography Compass, 4/9, 1238–1259 (

  • Grimmond CSB, Roth M et al. 2010: Climate and more sustainable cities: Climate information for improved planning and management of cities. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 1, 247-274 (

  • Shi, C., Roth, M., Zhang, H. and Li, Z., 2008: Impacts of urbanization on long-term fog variation in Anhui Province, China, Atmospheric Environment, 42, 8484-8492 (

  • Roth, M., 2007: Review of urban climate research in (sub)tropical regions, International Journal of Climatology, 27, 1859-1873 (

  • Grimmond, C.S.B., Kuttler, W., Linqvist, S. and Roth, M., 2007: Editorial: Urban Climatology ICUC6, International Journal of Climatology, 27, 1847-1848 (

  • Newton, T., Oke, T.R., Grimmond, C.S.B. and Roth, M., 2007: The suburban energy balance in Miami, Florida, Geografiska Annaler. Series A, 89A (4), 331-347 (

  • Roth, M., Salmond, J. and Satyanarayana, ANV., 2006: Methodological considerations regarding the measurement of turbulent fluxes in the urban roughness sub-layer: The role of scintillometery, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 121, 351-375 (

  • Chow, W. and Roth, M., 2006: Temporal dynamics of the urban heat island of Singapore, International Journal of Climatology, 26, 2243-2260 (

  • Vogt, R., Christen, A., Rotach, M. W., Roth, M. and Satyanarayana, ANV., 2006: Temporal dynamics of CO2 fluxes and profiles over a Central European city, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 84, 117-126 (

  • Rotach, M.W., Vogt, R., Bernhofer, C., Batchvarova, E., Christen, A., Clappier, A., Feddersen, B., Gryning, S.-E., Martucci, G., Mayer, H., Mitev, V., Oke, T.R., Parlow, E., Richner, H., Roth, M., Roulet, Y.-A., Ruffieux, D., Salmond, J.A., Schatzmann, M., and Voogt, J.A., 2005: BUBBLE – an urban boundary layer meteorology project, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 81, 231-261 (

  • Kanda, M., Moriwaki, R., Roth, M. and Oke, T. R., 2002: Area-averaged sensible heat flux and a new method to determine zero-plane displacement length over an urban surface using scintillometry, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 105, 177-193 (

  • Roth, M., 2000: Review of atmospheric turbulence over cities, Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorological Society, 126, 941-990 (

  • Kanda, M., Moriwaki, R, Suzuki, J, Roth, M. and Oke, T. R., 2000: Turbulent flux measurement in an urban boundary layer by using scintillometer, Tenki, 47, 453-462 (in Japanese) (

  • Kanda, M., Moriwaki, R, Suzuki, J, Roth, M. and Oke, T. R., 2000: Study on similarity functions of turbulent statistics in urban boundary layers, Tenki, 47, 493-501 (in Japanese) (

  • Grimmond, C. S. B., King, T. S., Roth, M. and Oke, T. R., 1998: Anemometrically determined roughness and displacement lengths in urban areas, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 89, 1-24 (

  • Roth, M. and Oke, T. R., 1995: Relative efficiencies of turbulent transfer of heat, mass and momentum over a patchy urban surface, Journal of Atmospheric Science, 52, 1863-1874 (;2).

  • Roth, M. and Oke, T. R., 1994: Comparison of modelled and 'measured' heat storage in suburban terrain, Contributions to Atmospheric Physics, 67, 149-156 (

  • Roth, M. and Oke, T. R., 1993: Turbulent transfer relationships over an urban surface. I: Spectral characteristics, Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorological Society, 119, 1071-1104 (

  • Roth, M., 1993: Turbulent transfer relationships over an urban surface. II: Integral statistics, Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorological Society, 119, 1105-1120 (

  • Roth, M., Oke, T. R. and Steyn, D. G., 1989: Velocity and temperature spectra in an unstable suburban atmosphere, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 47, 309-320. [Special issue in honor of Dr. Hans A. Panofsky (1917-1988)] (

  • Roth, M., Oke, T. R. and Emery, W. J., 1989: Satellite-derived urban heat islands from three coastal cities and the utilization of such data in urban climatology, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 10, 1699-1720 (

  • Oke, T. R., Cleugh, H. A., Grimmond, C. S. B., Schmid, H. P. and Roth, M., 1989: Evaluation of spatially-averaged fluxes of heat, mass and momentum in the urban boundary layer, Weather and Climate, 9, 14-21 (

Chapters in Books
  • Roth, M, 2020. 'Understanding urban heat islands' in The Routledge Handbook of Urban Ecology (2nd ed), ed. Douglas et al, Routledge.

  • Roth M, 2013: 'Urban Heat Islands' in Handbook of Environmental Fluid Dynamics, Volume Two, ed. HJS Fernando, CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, 143-159.

  • Pijawka D, A Brazel, E Cook, J Feller, S Grossman-Clarke, S Guhathakurta and M Roth, 'Land Use and Environmental Quality' in Land Use: Challenges and Choices for the 21st Century, ed. P Gober, 184-203. United States: Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University, 2007. 20 pp.

Published Reports
  • Simón-Moral A and Roth M, 2020. An anthropogenic heat flux emission inventory for Singapore for urban climate modeling. Meteorological Services Singapore (MSS Research Letter), 34-42.

Department of Geography, National University of Singapore

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